Jeanette Beebe is a poet and journalist who lives in Akron, Ohio's Highland Square neighborhood. Her reporting has appeared in Time, Popular Science, NPR member station WHYY, and elsewhere, and she has served as a fact-checker for Scientific American, Insider, and various podcasts. Her poems have been published by Salamander, Sixth Finch, The Journal, The Chattahoochee Review, Juked, and New South, and were nominated for Best New Poets and a Pushcart Prize. She was named a finalist for the Iowa Review Award in Poetry, and she formerly served on staff at Nat. Brut, winner of a Whiting Literary Magazine Prize. She got into poetry through spoken word, with stage-to-page poems stapled into zines — a journey that led her to the Brave New Voices Poetry Slam as a member of Minneapolis/St. Paul’s team. She holds an A.B. in English with certificates in Creative Writing and Gender & Sexuality Studies from Princeton University. www.jeanettebeebe.com.