This is Not a Stunt (19th century)
Cath Nichols
Invert theory grew from exploring hermaphrodites’ bodies, dead and alive. Finding a ‘true sex’, not a spectrum, was the sexologists’ grail, those who couldn’t live in their findings, jailed or ostracised. Marriages broken. Unruly hermaphrodites were placed in asylums alongside those who had no trace of biological bothness, people living by their own self-knowledge. Victorian asylums enforced gendered clothing, re-education. Guards with flaming swords stood at gates. One soul, asylumed as a man, wrote to Carl Westphal. The letter self-combusted in Carl’s hands. Freud later thought that invert males were deviants caused by arrested development, and invert females repressed homosexuals or narcissists when loving women. Not much has changed: deviant, freak, liar, con. Though documentaries now get screened pre-watershed - not evil any more, sensational instead. Here we are then, stunt-men and -women without fire-suits. Watch us stumble, lift our arms like flaming swords.