Ten Fun Facts About Silence
Valerie Sopher
1 Hypothesis: If silence is the color black, and black is the color of absence, then silence is absence. False premise: Black is a color. 2 before the Big Bang there was a box of white filled with all the colors that would be the explosion wasn’t of sound, but light Someone opened the box light flooded the void, traveled at record-setting speed to starburst after starburst, dispersed, gravitated a cacophony of color floating in ebony 3 Hypothesis: If a sound wave travels through space, and there is no one to hear it, then space still has sound. False premise: Sound travels in space. 4 black is the absence of light light explodes space is a vacuum space, is where it’s at 5 If , and , then . 6 two people embrace This is what silence feels like, one thinks. Yes, yes it is, thinks the other. Shhhh... 7 silence is a rainbow space has no sound two people fall in love with silence 8 Silence is . 9 silence has the right to remain colorless still quiet silent 10
Feature image via IIIF