Tip Diebæck’s Licentia Pearl
Marc Phillips
Begin a dialogue with every clear day occurrence that is less likely than rain It’s what they did in Close Encounters see what it says back this cocky slim chance to begin, we asked five hundred sixteen less fortunate looking aliens and only eighty knew they were ugly we tried again and left out “only” this is the chorus: In an empty shoebox under this bed, more than two billion things occur in 1/3 of a second. The smallest unit of time any human can register is about 1/3 of a second. Which is the reason we don’t see our own eyelids blinking. No matter how swiftly we pull that lid off. The shoebox looks empty. The shoebox looks empty. And the rest of the time, we’re all asleep. We can’t guess what happens while we’re looking right at it. At least 10% of our waking lives are spent with our eyes involuntarily closed. We blink 16,200 times every day. Don’t need to blink so much, we just do. That’s 1.5 hours. We blink 16,200 times every day. Don’t need to blink so much, we just do. That’s 1.5 hours. At least 10% of our waking lives are spent with our eyes involuntarily closed. We can’t guess what happens while we’re looking right at it. And the rest of the time, we’re asleep. The Shoebox looks empty. The Shoebox looks empty. No matter how fast we pull that lid off. Which is the reason we don’t see our own eyelids blinking. The smallest unit of time any human can register is about 1/3 of a second. In an empty shoebox under this bed, more than two billion things occur in 1/3 of a second. it can go like that for days Begin with the many splendorous people who don’t care at all and thank them sincerely with gifts then move on poking sneaky eyeholes in paintings like Starlight Worms Head for sale to the paranoid on behalf of the dead and bargain for fun but realize licentia is a liberty assumed and therefore an unrestrained liberty yes, people pay for knockoff liberty all the time that doesn’t make it valuable most of the liberty you see nowadays is made in China